What do you do first thing in the morning? Head for the coffee pot?

Apple © Donika Lulgjuraj
Hence, I’ve found the perfect breakfast is one cup of natural applesauce. Only 140 calories. Apple enzymes are perfect for cleansing intestines, and really, this breakfast is quite filling and satisfying. I’ve experimented with it for weeks, trying alternatives at times. I always come back to my applesauce.
So what’s in an apple? It is the fruit with the most pectin (pectolytic enzymes.) The pectin found in apples helps delay glucose absorption. It also helps clean cholesterol from the intestinal tract and is great for digestive health. Apple pectin is an antioxidant and helps prevent cancer.
Studies on apples show they promote weight loss. Apples are proven to have a beneficial effect on health for heart, lungs, and brain. They are also linked to stroke prevention!
A study at the Rio de Janeiro state university showed that women eating three small apples (or pears) daily lost more weight on a low-calorie diet than women who didn’t eat their apples! The researchers surmised this was because apples have a low calorie count and are high in fiber. They produce a sense of satiety meaning they’ll make you feel full. A high-fiber diet will make you want to eat less.
So.. a breakfast of applesauce is a great way to start the day. Strange as that may seem. The most basic element of human food also turns out to be healthiest.
I love apples. Thanks for sharing.
have a nice day.
Thanks. I like Apple. It is good for our health. We should eat apple sauce as you mentioned.
Have a nice day.
Eat 1 Apple daily keep doctor away. I love to eat apples.
Apple is the best fruit.I very very like it .Also thank you for share a good post…Take care
Jorge Jobs
An apple a day will keep the doctor away. . Apples are a quintessential food for health that are low in fat and calories and are an enzyme-rich energy food that helps break down and digest other foods.
Freya Post
Apple is my favorite fruit, I Love to eat apple, I suggest that, apple is necessary for our health, So keep it in your daily food item list. thanks
Apples are a quintessential food for health that are low in fat and calories and are an enzyme-rich energy food that helps break down and digest other foods.
I like apple,it is soo testy and healthy..
I think apple is great. But what about a cup of coffee in the morning? I can’t cut coffee!
And meanwhile:
“An apple a day, keeps the doctor away”, so I totally agree!!!
Tony López
mmm I have to change the food for my breakfast. I always eat some like juices or something like this. But now a try to eat some to apples
Apples, especially red apples are very healthy! I recommend combination with moringa seeds for better cleansing…